View your test results using your NHS App or account

You can view test results in your GP health record using the NHS App or by logging into your account on the NHS website.

You can create an account if you do not already have one.

To view your test results online, you must be:

When you create an account, you'll need to prove your identity before you can view your test results. This helps keep your information secure.

Test results you can view online

When you view your test results online, you should see any recent results that have been added to your GP health record.

Results you can see

  • results of tests you had at your GP surgery

  • hospital test results that have been sent to your GP surgery

Results you will not see

  • hospital test results that have not been sent to your GP surgery – the hospital may contact you about your result or tell you how to get your result

If you need to see results from before 2023

Test results from before 2023 may not be automatically available in your online GP health record.

If you need to see older test results, you'll have to ask your GP surgery to make them available in your NHS App or account.